They consist of friends, siblings and colleagues. They are very important to you. They are your support group.
- Think twice before you ask.
It may be tempting to ask all of your favorite friends to be in your wedding party the minute you get engaged, don't. Take your time. Give yourself at least a month, if you can, to mull over the options. Once you've asked someone to be in your wedding party, you can't go back.
- Set honest expectations.
Consider what kind of role your wedding party will have at your wedding. Is it important to you that they help with dress shopping or preparing the invitations? Will they just show up at the wedding with the outfits you and your groom have chosen? Think twice about asking friends or family who live far away or have extremely hectic schedules. The worst thing you could do is set yourself up for disappointment.
- Include your brothers and sisters.
Siblings are going to be around for a long time and probably longer than some of your friends. If you come from a big family and you can't possibly include everyone, have those you did not ask be included in another role on your special day (greeting guests, read scripture, etc.)
- Consider the size of your wedding.
You can have as many bridesmaids and groomsmen as you like. The average wedding party size is eight. The more bridesmaids or groomsmen you have, the more work it will be coordinating with schedules, personalities and etc. Sometimes, smaller is better and will help keep you sane.
- Kids aren't required.
If there are no children you two feel particularly close to, you don't need a flower girl and/or ring bearer. And if you have many children you want to include, feel free. Have three little flower girls instead of one and give them each their own basket of flower petals. Have more than 1 ring bearer? Each can bear the ring, hold a keepsake or carry a "and They Lived Happily Ever After" sign.